I let my wild side show

I did it.  I finally did something wild and crazy.  I have always wanted to be a “rebel” but not in a bad way.  I never drank in college until I was drunk (I actually hate the taste of alcohol so I never had more than one period… lol), never smoked ANYTHING except the second-hand smoke I was forced to smoke as a child.  I always wanted a tattoo but am afraid of the pain.  So today I did something that I would not ordinarily do.  Before I tell you what I did… let me tell you a little more why. J

I am a 4H advisor to one of the greatest groups of children around.  My club currently has 40 (yep, that is not a typo 4-0) children in it.  I went to the state convention and I heard another advisor say that she loves all of her kids… that they might as well be an extension of her family.  I agree with that sentiment.  These kids are wonderful and I do view them like a big family to me.  They could come to me for just about anything and I would do my very best to help them.  Recently, we did a fund raiser that not all parents thought would work.  It was a bit of an “experiment” and given we raised over $480 I think we did well!  Sure, we could have made more but I am totally excited about this! 

So, today I went for my MUCH over due hair appointment.  I decided last night that I wanted to be a bit “wild and crazy”.  I wanted to show how proud of these 4H kids I am and I wanted to “bleed green” as was said at the convention.  SOOOOO, I now have green hair.  And we are not talking about that “I am blonde and I swim a lot” look I had in the 80’s – no this is unmistakable, very intentional GREEN! And  NO, not my whole head.  But not in a place you can hide it either.  I kind of wish I had done a tiny bit more but it is fine for now.

So far the reactions I have gotten from parents is: “That is the wash out kind, right?”  Well, the answer is: NOPE.  Yes, it might fade but most likely it will have to be bleached out the next time I go.  I might pick a new color or do more green than I currently have.

Last night when I told my family that I was going to do this my daughter said, “I have one of the craziest and coolest moms!”  She has not seen it yet but I know she is gonna love it.  I don’t know if the 4H students are going to love it too or if they will all think I lost it but that does not matter.  For now, I am bleeding green! J


I do have to make a side note.  I have only had this in for a few hours and I can feel people looking at me differently.  Even some of the ladies at the hair salon – the one who did my hair is awesome and was totally cool with it.  She loved it when I told her I wanted the green to be thicker!  :D  But I wonder what some of the others think of me.  Do they think I am some renegade parent?  Am I some totally wacko person because I have green hair?  NO!! I am the same God fearing, Jesus Freak I have always been.  Some people may walk further away from me.  Some people may look at me funny but it is giving me a new perspective on how I view people.  We are not supposed to judge on looks and I have always said that but we all do it on some level don’t we?  I wonder as I sit in my big huge “wealthy” church on Sunday what some of the people will think of me?  I wonder if it would make a difference to anyone to know why my hair is green.

In the end, we need to remember how we would like to be viewed if we had green hair to support some kids who did a good job and people looked at us like we grew a third eye.  I often wondered if I would shave my head to support a friend with cancer.  Quick answer as I sit here: ABSOLUTELY!  Let’s face it folks, it is just hair.  I have spent too many days of my life crying over bad hair days.  If my hair looks awful, I am still the same beautiful creation in God’s eyes.  If I am bald it is the same thing.  Yes we are not supposed to do certain things for pagan reasons (I could go into a whole LONG diatribe about that).  So, on one hand the fact that my kid thinks I am cool is not the right reason to do something and I might need to evaluate that but I know in my heart I am God’s.  By His grace, he chose me to be one of his – even if I have green hair.

Right now, I like my green hair – I kind of wish it were like this for St. Patrick’s Day. :D We will have to see what happens when I go again in around 3 months. J


  1. This is one of the many things I love about you! Your passion for whatever you take on is incredible. When you're in, you're totally IN! I personally can't wait to see this hair, but I do hear you with how people think and act. Consider this a sociology experiment also.


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