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A Funeral for a Stranger Teaches Me about Funerals

Funerals. They are a part of life. They are not a part of life that we look forward to.   Our pastor says we learn more about life at a funeral then we do at a party. I have been to my share of funerals. I have heard my share of eulogies. But tonight, I heard a funeral that exemplified the idea that my pastor was trying to make. Traffic was jammed and my husband was trying to figure out what event was going on at the church down the road that was causing this traffic jam. He found a live stream to a funeral going on at that church. We were sad. Then we were intrigued. It looked as if there were two people in the casket. That was something that I had never seen before. In my tiny mind, my first thought was Siamese twins. No, that can’t be possible. One was male and one female… you can’t have Siamese twins of different genders.   We googled the name… oh my… we knew this story. This story was in the news and had deeply saddened us. But this story contained three death...

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